Empower your business
with tailored software solutions

Hi, I am


I am a freelance software engineer. I find solutions to business issues using technology. I have more than 8 years of experience in software development, testing, automation and DevOps. I have worked in various industries such as health, education, entertainment and new technologies.

I provide the following services:

  • ☁ cloud or 🏢 on-premises SaaS and app implementation
  • 🛠️ micro-services development & deployment
  • 🤖 software automation / scripting
  • 🚀 CI/CD optimization

My work experiences

Freelance Software Engineer

As of 2024, I work on my own as a freelance software engineer, and created frite.dev.

I provide services to businesses in various software engineering fields, including development, automation and DevOps. My expertise lies in analyzing my client's challenges, then providing tailored solutions by leveraging the right technologies.

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DevOps Engineer

I was in charge the transition of the company towards DevOps fundamentals. It involved efforts both on the technical and human sides. This achievement elevated me to a Senior position within the company.

During my first year at Sony, I had the opportunity to analyze the development processes of the company. Since I was informed about the latest innovations on this topic, I accepted to take a new DevOps position.

My goal was to ease developers' lives by automating the most repetitive operations from their work habits. To do so, I analyzed every team requirements and tried to identify what slowed them down and what could improve the quality of their work. I then though about solutions and challenged them with what our infrastructure could provide. When necessary, I suggested upgrades to the infrastructure in order to provide the best services to the developers. Finally, I documented all my work, shared it, and performed a follow-up of the deployment of the solutions inside of the company.

Software Test Engineer

I was in charge of designing, implementing and performing test strategies for Sony internal software.

Through this position, I have been involved in various projects, which helped me to get a good picture of what the company does. While I improved the test coverage and the test reporting, I also automated most of the operations. As an outcome, it increased the overall software quality and reliability.

Software Test Engineer

I worked for almost 2 year as a Software Test Engineer in the Beam Management System department of the R&D.

This experience taught me how to comply with medical requirements. In such a field, software must be tested rigorously in order to pass the audits that occur several time a year. I used to be the middleman between the requirement engineers and software engineers.

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Computer Science degree

I acquired a bachelor degree in Computer Science, with a 'Magna cum laude' grade.

I learned the fundamentals of programming, databases, networking, electronics and project management.

But most important : I learned how to learn.

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Hard skills

Full-stack development

Full-stack development

I have experience in building both front-end and back-end applications, using various technologies. My preferred stack right now is Vue, Nuxt, Tailwind and serverless backend services like Firebase.



I worked as a DevOps engineer for 5 year at Sony, and was promoted to the position of Senior DevOps Engineer. As a DevOps, I analyze the established software lifecycle, identify its flaws and optimize it with the state-of-the-art technologies.

Software Testing

Software Testing

My first professional experience was as a software tester for a medical device company. I have a good understanding of the software testing process and have experience with various testing tools. I wrote hundreds of test cases, both automated and manual. I performed on-site validation campaigns and wrote validation reports.



Through my career as a DevOps, I acquired a lot of experience in creating and maintaining fully-automated software integration and delivery.

Package management

Package management

My previous DevOps position also gave me the opportunity to sharpen my knowledge with package management tools, including conda (python) and conan (C/C++).

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

My first professional experience was for a company that produces medical devices. Hence, the quality of the software was crucial. I learned a lot about quality assurance (including requirement management) and how to ensure high quality of the software. For the records: my end of study thesis was about a quality assurance tool that I made from scratch and was tailored to the needs of this company.

Project management

Project management

I used to the the head of a non-profit organization and was responsible for managing the project and the team. This non-profit organization was organizing a yearly event with over 1000 participants.



Agile is a software development methodology focused on iterative progress, collaboration, flexibility, and customer feedback. It emphasizes small, frequent releases, adaptive planning, and continuous improvement to quickly respond to changing requirements and deliver high-quality products. Like most the software engineering companies today, the places I worked at used Agile methodologies.



The V-Model is a software development model that emphasis the relationships between each phase of the development life cycle and its associated phase of testing. Even though it isn't my preferred methodology, I have experience with this methodology.



French is my mother tongue.



I am completely fluent in English. I lived in Australia for one year and worked in international environments for 7 years.



I have an A2 level of Spanish. I took classes in 2023 and try to practice it every week.

Soft skills

Supreme communication

Supreme communication

I have excellent communication skills. I am able to break down complex problems and clearly explain them to people with fewer technical knowledge. I am a good listener; I take the necessary time to understand the needs of my collaborators. I always document my work to ensure that others can understand it.

End-user focus

End-user focus

High end-user focus is crucial for solving problems effectively. By thoroughly understanding the user requirements, I can tailor solutions that enhance their experience. With this approach, I ensure my decisions are user-centric, leading to more impactful outcomes.

Problem solving

Problem solving

I have a strong problem-solving mindset. I enjoy tackling complex problems and finding innovative solutions. I am not afraid to take risks and try new approaches to solve problems. I never give up and always strive to find the best solution.



I am a good team player and I enjoy working with others. I am always willing to help my teammates and share my knowledge with them. I believe that teamwork is essential for success. By working together, we can achieve great things.

Evidence-based decisions

Evidence-based decisions

In order to make the best decisions, I rely on evidence. It helps me to make informed choices and avoid making them based on assumptions. I also use data to evaluate the impact of my decisions and make adjustments as needed.





Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework used to build interactive web interfaces.

Vue is my preferred front-end framework at the moment. Even though React is more popular, Vue is one of the most stable and performant web frameworks, with a solid community. I appreciate the clear separation of concerns of the SFC system and the way Vue manage reactivity.

Proficiency : Advanced



Nuxt is a higher-level framework built on top of Vue.js. It provides a lot of features out of the box, such as server-side rendering, static site generation, routing, SEO, and more.

Nuxt (+ Vue) is my go-to combo for building web applications. I appreciate the way Nuxt simplifies the development process by framing it with opinionated conventions. As outcome, projects are built faster and are more maintainable.

Proficiency : Advanced



Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-defined classes that can be used to style web components.

As for most of the front-end developers today, Tailwind has become my favorite CSS framework. It makes it easier to create consistent and responsive designs.

Proficiency : Advanced



Ionic is a complete open-source SDK for hybrid mobile app development.

I used Ionic in the past to build mobile applications. I appreciate the way Ionic simplifies the development process by providing a set of pre-built components for iOS and Android.

Proficiency : Advanced



Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It is a convenient language for scripting and automating tasks. It is also widely used in data science and machine learning.

I used Python a lot in my previous professional experiences. I have a good knowledge of this language.

Proficiency : Advanced



JavaScript is the programming language of the web. It is used to add interactivity to web pages.

I use JavaScript in all of my web projects to build interactive web applications.

Proficiency : Good



TypeScript is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript that add optional static typing to the language.

I use TypeScript in my projects to have a cleaner code and to catch errors earlier in the development process.

Proficiency : Good



Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

I use Node.js to build server-side applications like services or API's.

Proficiency : Good



MongoDB is a NoSQL, document-oriented, database management system.

I used MongoDB in the past to store and manage data. It is a good choice for projects that require a flexible schema.

Proficiency : Good



MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

I learned SQL during my degree and used MySQL in the past to store and manage data.

Proficiency : Elementary



Bash is a Unix shell and command language.

I use Bash scripts to automate tasks on my machine and on servers.

Proficiency : Good



PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.

I use PowerShell scripts to automate tasks on Windows machines.

Proficiency : Good




Docker is a set of platform as a service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.

In one of my previous professional experiences, I used Docker to containerize all the possible build environments of the company's software. I used to maintain all of these Docker images programmatically (IaC), with the best DevOps automation practices. It enabled the company to have a wide range of consistent build environments, available across all the developers' machines and the CI/CD servers.

Proficiency : Advanced



GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git repository manager providing wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipeline features, using an open-source license, developed by GitLab Inc.

I deployed and maintained a GitLab server for multiple years in one of my previous professional experiences. Hence, I have a very good understanding of most of GitLab features.

Proficiency : Advanced



Firebase is a BaaS (Back-end as a Service) platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications.

I used Firebase in my previous web development experiences to deploy serverless web applications.

Proficiency : Advanced



Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products.

As Firebase is part of GCP, I also used GCP in my previous web development experiences to deploy serverless applications.

Proficiency : Elementary



Git is a distributed version control system.

I intensively use it on every project. I have a very good understanding of Git's logic and its CLI. I am also familiar with Mercurial and Subversion.

Proficiency : Advanced



Artifactory is a universal artifact repository manager.

I used to maintain an Artifactory instance in one of my previous professional experiences.

Proficiency : Advanced



Anaconda is a package manager for Python. Compared to pip, it provides a built-in environments manager.

I used to create and use conda packages with the internal dependencies in one of my previous professional experiences

Proficiency : Advanced



Conan is a C/C++ package manager.

In one of my past professional experiences, I helped a company to wrap their C/C++ internal dependencies into conan packages. It enabled the company to manage their dependencies more efficiently and increased the automation of their Software Development Life Cycle.

Proficiency : Advanced



CMake is a powerful cross-platform build system generator.

I used CMake in my previous DevOps experiences to manage the build process of C/C++ projects, alongside conan.

Proficiency : Elementary



MSBuild is the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio.

In my previous DevOps experiences, I used to create CI/CD pipelines with MSBuild to compile C/C++ projects for Windows. I know the complexity of building on various platforms.

Proficiency : Elementary



GCC is a compiler system produced by the GNU Project.

In my previous DevOps experiences, I used to create CI/CD pipelines with GCC to compile C/C++ projects for Linux. I know the complexity of building on various platforms.

Proficiency : Elementary



Clang is a compiler front end for the C, C++, and Objective-C programming languages.

In my previous DevOps experiences, I used to create CI/CD pipelines with clang to compile C/C++ projects for Linux and Android. I know the complexity of building on various platforms.

Proficiency : Elementary



Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google.

I used to build Android libraries in my previous DevOps experiences. I know the complexity of building on various platforms.

Proficiency : Elementary



Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit.

I used Prometheus alongside Grafana in my previous professional experiences to monitor the performance of the software I used to maintain.

Proficiency : Good



Grafana is a multi-platform open-source analytics and interactive visualization web application.

I used Grafana alongside Prometheus in my previous professional experiences to monitor the performance of the software I used to maintain.

Proficiency : Good




Windows is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and marketed by Microsoft.

I used Windows as my main operating system for most of my life, both personally and professionally. I can administrate Windows servers too.

Proficiency : Advanced



macOS is a series of proprietary graphical operating systems developed and marketed by Apple Inc.

I personally use MacOS on a day-to-day basis. I appreciate its performances, and the stability of the Unix environment. I still value Windows and Linux for their use cases.

Proficiency : Advanced



Linux is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Thanks to its stability, Linux is widely used in the industry for servers and embedded systems.

I have been using Linux a lot during my professional experiences, both on servers and on my personal computer. I am comfortable with the command line and the Linux ecosystem.

Proficiency : Advanced



Windows Subsystem for Linux is a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables natively on latest Windows versions.

I use WSL to run Linux commands on my Windows machine.

Proficiency : Advanced



Confluence is a collaboration tool that helps teams to collaborate and share knowledge efficiently.

I used Confluence in my previous professional experiences to document my work and share it with my colleagues.

Proficiency : Advanced



Jira is a project management tool that helps teams to plan, track, and manage their work.

I used Jira in my previous professional experiences to manage my projects and tasks.

Proficiency : Advanced



Trello is a web-based list-making application.

I used Trello in some of my projects to plan, track the progress of the tasks and to collaborate with my team.

Proficiency : Advanced

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